Data Preprocessing What is DATA PREPROCESSING ? Data preprocessing in machine learning is an important step that helps enhance the quality of data before feeding it into the model to extract me...
Data Preprocessing What is DATA PREPROCESSING ? Data preprocessing in machine learning is an important step that helps enhance the quality of data before feeding it into the model to extract me...
Null values and set operations in SQL. Summary of the class. After the class, we started our flip class discussion among the expert group members sharing the same topic, and we browsed for more i...
DAM101 Unit One (Deep Learning Fundamentals) Take Aways from unit one. What is AI: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be simply defined as an imitation of human behaviors by a machine. AI came in...
Topic : Entity Relationship Modeling for E-Health Record ============================================================================================ Entity Relationship Model (My understanding of...
Topic : Database Administrators and Database Users Database Administrator (DBA) A Database Administrator is an IT professional who is in charge of creating, maintaining a secure database, and giv...